Stuart T. Weinberg, MD, FAAP, FAMIA
Clinical Informatics Consultant |
Informatics Consultant to .... ... the General Academic Pediatrics Department of Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, developing and maintaining a Primary Care Clinic database for over 15,000 active patients, and participating in CDC studies regarding influenza immunization: ... the ECELS Program of the Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics (PAAAP), developing and maintaining a web-based ( tool to assess preventive care services and immunization status for children in childcare across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, featured in the following presentations at the 2004 National Immunization Conference:Contributing to National Informatics Efforts by .... ... reviewing abstract submissions for the 2003 AMIA Annual Symposium, presented by the American Medical Informatics Association ... assisting in the development of Policies of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP): [RE9641] ... assisting with the creation of the AAP's Evaluating Practice Management Software for Pediatrics manual ... participating in an expert meeting on the discussion of Information Technology in Children's Health Care ... reviewing grant applications to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) for demonstration projects that use Clinical Informatics to promote Patient Safety (CLIPS)Assisting Camps with Medical and Information Technology Expertise .... ... as a featured contributor to a January/February 2003 Camping Mazazine article on Staff Prescription Medication |