"This site is designed to list all YMCA resident camps with web sites" was the
initial description of this site when first launched over 20 years ago in 1996, back when websites were a bit of a luxury!
Now, all YMCA resident camps have some type of web presence, whether it's an individual site or a portion of a
parent YMCA's site. The web site addresses do change over the years, and we try to keep up with those
changes as they occur.
Camps are listed under the state where the camp is actually located,
even though the parent organization may be in a different state. For example,
YMCA Camp Thunderbird is listed under South Carolina, even though
it is a branch of the Charlotte, North Carolina YMCA.
Look for Facebook icons that are in the process of being added
to the left of camp names for direct links to those camps' Facebook pages. Check the
Updates link for the history of updates...
If you have any comments/suggestions/corrections, please use the
Feedback link to send us a message!